Coniferous Trees (trees with cones)
Trees are grouped by plant family.
*Plant has been labeled as invasive by the MNDNR. Do not plant. Remove as able. For a full list of invasive species in Minnesota, visit:
- Cedar
- Cypress
- bald cypress (a deciduous conifer)
- eastern redcedar
- Chinese juniper
- Balsam fir
- Hemlock
- Pine
- Yew
Deciduous Trees (trees that drop their leaves each year)
Trees are grouped by plant family.
*Plant has been labeled as invasive by the MNDNR. Do not plant. Remove as able. For a full list of invasive species in Minnesota, visit:
- Beech
- Bignonias
- Birch
- Cercidiphyllaceae
- Cypress
- bald cypress (a deciduous conifer)
- Dogwood
- Elaeagnaceae
- Russian olive (invasive in MN)*
- Elm
- American elm
- Chinese elm
- New Horizon elm
- red elm
- Siberian elm (invasive in MN)*
- Ginkgo
- Hardy rubber tree
- Hemp
- Magnolia
- Mallow
- Olive
- Pea
- Pine
- tamarack (a deciduous conifer)
- Rose
- apricot
- cherry
- crabapple
- hawthorn
- pears
- plum
- peach
- showy mountain ash
- Rue
- Amur cork tree (invasive in MN)*
- wafer-ash
- Soapberry
- horse chestnut
- maple
- Amur maple (invasive in MN)*
- bigleaf maple
- Freeman maple
- Northwind maple
- Norway maple (invasive in MN)*
- red maple
- boxelder
- Korean maple
- snakebark maple
- silver maple
- sugar maple
- Ohio buckeye
- Staff-vine
- burning bush or winged euonymous (invasive in MN)*
- Sumac (or cashew)
- Walnut
- Willow
Shrubs and Woody Vines (climbing or short)
Plants are grouped by plant family.
*Plant has been labeled as invasive by the MNDNR. Do not plant. Remove as able. For a full list of invasive species in Minnesota, visit:
- Birch
- Buckthorn
- common buckthorn (invasive in MN)*
- glossy buckthorn (invasive in MN)*
- Clethra
- Currant
- Cypress
- Dogwood
- Gooseberry
- Grape
- Heath
- Holly
- Honeysuckle
- bush honeysuckle (check variety - may be invasive in MN)
- Sugar Mountain® Balalaika Sweetberry honeysuckle
- Sugar Mountain® Blue Sweetberry honeysuckle
- Sugar Mountain® Kalinka Sweetberry honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Magnolia
- Mock orange
- Moschatel
- Mulberry
- Nightshade
- Olive
- Pea
- Siberian peashrub (invasive in MN)*
- Rhododendron
- Rose
- Rue
- Staff-vine
- burning bush (invasive in MN)
- winged euonymus or burning bush (invasive in MN)*
- Sumac (or cashew)
- Willow
- Witch-hazel
- Yew
- upright yew.