Criteria for Inclusion:
First and foremost, the feature must be available and accessible to all of the campus community and visitors. Priority will be given to features that are accessible by campus or city bus lines, bicycle, or other wheeled transportation, and meet ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Second, no features will be considered if they require the viewer to physically trespass on private property.
Features must be unique, special, outstanding and relate to one or more of the following sub-criteria:
- Horticultural, Forestry or Environmental. Features would represent species or varieties that are very rare or of a very localized distribution; particularly old/mature or venerable; outstanding size; a sole representation on campus; significant ecological contribution or context.
- Social. Located in a unique location or context; associated with cultural activities; associated with campus community gatherings places; associated with spiritual or religious events/celebrations.
- Heath – mental and physical. Features that provide spaces or opportunities for reflection, solitude, mental rest; areas that promote physical activities such as bird watching, slack lining, hiking, community gardening.
- Education. Areas or features that are available for educational purposes such as independent learning, field sessions, outdoor labs; features or areas that contribute to the campus educational landscape and campus research.
- Historic. Part of a historic park, garden, or town; commemorates a historic occasion or UMN alum, member/s of the campus community.
- Aesthetic. View sheds; seasonal interests; sculpture in the garden/s; curious growth forms or unusual physical features (natural or manipulated).
Nomination Process and Timeline:
May 1: Annual nomination deadline.
June – September: Nominated features are inspected by qualified personnel from UMN Landcare for health (as applicable), conduct a risk assessment (as applicable), ensure the feature is not part of a planned campus development project where the feature may be relocated or removed.
Summer: Nominated features are visited and vetted by the ‘Campus – Arboretum’ Advisory Committee, a representative and experienced group representing students, staff, faculty, and residential neighborhoods adjacent to the campus. Features will be evaluated against the criteria and general categories and voted on to determine whether the nomination will be moved forward.
Autumn: Nominated features will be presented to all those invested in the campus community (UMN Landcare, individual departmental advisors, appropriate student groups) for final, invited comments. Upon acceptance by these reviewers, the Advisory Committee with proceed with voting for inclusion in the ‘Campus – Arboretum.’
Spring: New features are added to the existing general category list and maps, databases and the ‘Campus – Arboretum’ web page. Those that nominated a feature will be contacted.