Common Name: New Horizon Elm
Scientific Name:
Family: Ulmaceae
Genus: Ulmus
Species: Davidiana var. japonica x Ulmus pumilia
Hardiness Zone: 3 to 7
Height: 30 to 40 ft
Width: 15 to 25 ft
Common characteristics:
The New Horizon elm is a hybrid species that is a cross between a Japanese elm clone (U. davidiana var. japonica) and a Siberian elm clone (Ulmus pumilia). This tree's most important characteristic is its resistance to Dutch Elm Disease. This elm has a compact upright canopy. The bark is ridged and furrowed with a gray color. Leaves are ovate in shape coming to a point at the tip and are 3" to 4" in length. Leaves have doubly serrate margins and are shorter on one side of the center vein than on the other. They are dark green in summer then changing to yellow in fall.
Where it grows:
Prefers moist and well-drained soils. This elm will tolerate dry sites, alkaline soils, clay soils, and road salts. Prefers full sun to partial shade
How it’s used:
The New Horizon elm makes a great shade tree for parks or lawns. Due to this tree's resistance to Dutch Elm Disease and road salts, it makes a good option for planting in the boulevards.
Ecosystem services:
Birds and small mammals may utilize elms.
Where it is native to:
This is a hybrid elm that has been cloned from two elms with separate native ranges. Can grow in Hardiness Zones 3 to 7.
This cultivar has excellent resistance to Dutch elm disease (DED), elm leaf miner, and verticillium wilt. To maintain tree health, elms should not be pruned between mid-April and mid-October.
The Morton Arboretum
Santamour, Frank S.; Bentz, Susan E. (May 1995). "Updated Checklist of Elm (Ulmus) Cultivars for use in North America". Journal of Arboriculture. 21(3): 122-131. Accessed 19 May 2018.