Yezberry Solo Japanese haskaps branch

Common name: Yezberry® Solo™ Japanese haskaps

Scientific name:
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Genus: Lonicera
Species: caerula 'Kapu'

Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Height: 5-6 ft
Width: 5-6 ft 

Description: This extremely hardy cultivar was developed from oure Japanese strains of haskaps. It has a medium growth rate and mounding form that is easy to maintain. Tolerant to any well-drained soil and average water levels. It likes to be in full sun or part shade. This shrub is also deer resistant. 

Flowers occur on the old wood. Pruning should be done after the shrub has been in the ground for three years and after harvest. The tips of branches can be cut off to encourage lateral branching, which produces more fruit. Yellow flowers bloom in early spring.

The fruits of Yezberry are shorter and plumper than the related Sugar Mountain honesuckles. They have more antioxidants and three times the vitamin C than blueberries. At least two honeysuckles should be planted for cross pollination and heavier crops. The fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen or made into jams, pies, and juices

Yezberry Solo Japanese haskaps branch








Accessed online. 18 July 2019