peachleaf willow bark

Common Name: peachleaf willow, almond willow, Wright willow

Scientific Name: 
Family: Salicaceae 
Genus: Salix
Species: amygdaloides

Hardiness Zone: 2 to 8
Height: 50 to 70 ft
Width: 25 to 35 ft

Description: Peachleaf willow is native to the northern plains. It is important for stabalizing river and steam banks and as nesting habitat for bald eagles. Growth is fast , but it can be short-lived. The yellow-green foliage is lanceolate with fine-toothed margins. It can have one or multiple stems with slightly weeping, spreading branches. Catkins are produced  before leaf break. Female seed capsules split when mature and release small seeds attached to tufts of hair

Peachleaf willow is a larval host for the Mourning Cloak and Viceroy butterflies. Birds and mammals (deer and beavers) feed from the tree early in the season. It typically grows in swamps, along water, and bottomland woodlands. It is susceptible to wind damage. 

peachleaf willow twig








Accessed online. 24 July 2019

Accessed online. 24 July 2019